Chemtek has spent years doing research and gaining experience on which adsorbents work best for various applications from the brewing industry to the hemp industry and more. From their research, they’ve developed a line of products that we’re excited to offer directly to you!
Chemtek has created a full line of products designed to help you with:
Faster flow times to increase your efficiency
Selectivity for higher purity
Water clear/color removal
Pesticide and heavy metal removal
Consistency/stability control
Experience greater color retention while maintaining great permeability to prevent blinding or reduced flow. These absorbents are specially treated to achieve a higher porosity with great uniformity in size and shape to increase the surface area allowing for more production before needing to refresh the filter cartridge.
We offer Chemtek's W1, W2, and W3; all of which are bentonite clays designed for plug and play.
No need to mix or blend different adsorbents so you maintain a greater selectivity when purifying compounds! Grab these lab supplies online here.
All ChemTek adsorbents come in buckets or plastic sealable containers that allow your products to be sealed more effectively, scooped up easier, and kept fresh until your next use. Perfect for any extraction chemistry lab!