Acetone, or propanone, is an organic compound with the formula (CH3)2CO. It is the simplest and smallest ketone. It is a colorless, highly volatile, and flammable liquid with a characteristic pungent odor.
- Boiling point: 132.8 °F (56 °C)
- Flash point: -0.4 °F (-18 °C) Open Cup
- Flash point: -4 °F (-20 °C) Closed Cup
- Molecular formula: C3-H6-O
- Vapor pressure: 245.3 hPa at 25 °C (77 °F)
TEST MONO GRAPH SPECS Assay (corrected for water) ACS NLT 99.5% Assay (on the anhydrous basis) NF NLT 99.0% Identification A - Infrared Absorption NF Conforms to Infrared Spectra Identification B - GC NF Conforms to Reference Chromatogram Specific Gravity @ 25°C NF NMT 0.789 Identification A - Relative Density EP/BP 0.790 - 0.793 @ 20°C Identification B BP/EP+ An intense red color is produced, and becomes violet Identification C BP/EP+ A greenish-blue color is produced Appearance ACS+ Clear liquid with characteristic odor Appearance of Solution BP/EP+ Clear, colorless liquid Color (APHA) ACS 10 max Solubility in Water ACS+ The solution remains clear for 30 min. Matter Insoluble in Water BP/EP+ The solution is clear Residue After Evaporation ACS+ 0.001%, max BP/EP+ 50 ppm, max Nonvolatile Residue NF+ NMT 2 mg/50mL (0.004%) Titrable Acid ACS+ 0.0003 meq/g, max Titrable Base ACS+ 0.0006 meq/g, max Acidity or Alkalinity BP/EP+ To Pass Test Aldehyde (as HCHO) ACS+ 0.002%, max Isopropyl Alcohol ACS 0.05%, max Methanol ACS 0.05%, max Substances Reducing Permanganate ACS+ Readily Oxidizable Substances NF+ To Pass Test Reducing Substances BP/EP+ Water ACS/NF 0.5%, max Water BP/EP NMT 3g/L Related Substances (by GC) Impurity A - Methanol NMT 0.05% (v/v) Impurity B - Isopropanol BP/EP NMT 0.05% (v/v) Impurity C - Benzene NMT 2ppm (v/v) Any other impurity NMT 0.05% (v/v)